The Institute
IDENTPOL was founded on December 12, 2009 after several meetings in Brussels and Stockholm with participation of representatives from diverse organizations of international scope specialized in disaster response and in the protection of lives at various levels.
By 2009, the work done along the years by the above mentioned organizations, had shown the need to research into
better methods of detection, prevention and mitigation of events causing the loss of large numbers of lives. As a consequence, and after several meetings, it was decided the
creation of the Institute for the Detection, Evaluation and Notification of Threats and the Protection Of Lives (IDENTPOL) with the purpose of carrying on studies and research
on how to detect and provide early alerts on threats or events which may place large
quantities of lives at risk.
For the administration of the Institute and with the sponsorship
of philanthropic donors, was established in Sweden the IDENTPOL Foundation (IDENTPOL Stiftelse)
which worked for several years.
Since January 1st 2016, the administration
of IDENTPOL as well as its entire structure
and work have been assimilated, as an
Institute with its same original purpose, into the
World Safety and International Cooperation
and Assistance Organization with
headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. The
institute maintains also a Public Relations
point of contact in Sweden.